• NLREG has been selected as the "Editor"s Pick" by SoftSeek.

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  • NLREG is in use at hundreds of universities, laboratories, and government agencies around the world (over 20 countries). For a list of a few organizations using NLREG click here.

  • If you have categorical variables, you may want to use a Decision Tree to model your data. Check out the DTREG Decision Tree Builder.

  • You also should check out the News Rover program that automatically scans Usenet newsgroups, downloads messages of interest to you, decodes binary file attachments, reconstructs files split across multiple messages, and eliminates spam and duplicate files.

    NLREG DLL COM Library Example Visual Basic Program

    Here is a complete Visual Basic program that calls the NLREG DLL COM library to perform a regression to the function y=a+b*x. Click here to see the NLREG DLL COM Library reference manual.

    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    '  Reference the NLREG COM library
    Dim nlreg As NLREGCOMLib.nlreg
    Set nlreg = New NLREGCOMLib.nlreg
    '  Misc. data declarations.
    Dim ProgramSource As String
    Dim Report As String
    Dim VarName As String
    Dim Status As Long
    Dim NumVar As Long
    Dim Xindex, Yindex As Long
    Dim Aindex, Bindex As Long
    Dim Avalue, Bvalue As Double
    Dim Index As Long
    Dim PredictedY, Rsquared As Double
    '  Initialize the NLREG library.
    nlreg.Initialize (0)
    '  Compile the NLREG program.
    '  Note: If the program is in a file, use CompileFile().
    ProgramSource = "Variables x,y; Parameters a,b; Function y=a+b*x; data;"
    Status = nlreg.Compile(ProgramSource)
    If (Status <> 1) Then
        ' Some sort of compile error occurred.
        Report = nlreg.GetAnalysisReport(0)
    End If
    '  Check information about the variables.
    NumVar = nlreg.NumInputVariables()
    For Index = 0 To NumVar - 1 Step 1
        VarName = nlreg.InputVariableName(Index)
    '  Get index numbers for the input variables.
    Xindex = nlreg.InputVariableFind("x")
    Yindex = nlreg.InputVariableFind("y")
    '  Provide a set of x,y data values.
    Status = nlreg.SetDataRows(5)
    Status = nlreg.SetDataValue(0, Xindex, 1#)
    Status = nlreg.SetDataValue(0, Yindex, 3#)
    Status = nlreg.SetDataValue(1, Xindex, 2#)
    Status = nlreg.SetDataValue(1, Yindex, 5#)
    Status = nlreg.SetDataValue(2, Xindex, 3#)
    Status = nlreg.SetDataValue(2, Yindex, 7.1)
    Status = nlreg.SetDataValue(3, Xindex, 4#)
    Status = nlreg.SetDataValue(3, Yindex, 8.5)
    Status = nlreg.SetDataValue(4, Xindex, 5#)
    Status = nlreg.SetDataValue(4, Yindex, 11.2)
    '  Perform the regression analysis.
    Status = nlreg.Compute()
    If (Status < 0) Then
        ' Some sort of error occurred during the analysis.
        Report = nlreg.GetAnalysisReport(0)
    End If
    '  Get the report from the analysis.
    Report = nlreg.GetAnalysisReport(0)
    '  Get the computed values of the 'a' and 'b' parameters.
    Aindex = nlreg.ParameterFind("a")
    Bindex = nlreg.ParameterFind("b")
    Avalue = nlreg.ParameterValue(Aindex, 0)
    Bvalue = nlreg.ParameterValue(Bindex, 0)
    '  Use the fitted function to predict some y values given x values.
    Status = nlreg.SetEvaluationValue(Xindex, 5#)
    PredictedY = nlreg.EvaluateFunction(0)
    Status = nlreg.SetEvaluationValue(Xindex, 6.5)
    PredictedY = nlreg.EvaluateFunction(0)
    '  Get the proportion of variance explained (R^2) for the model.
    Rsquared = nlreg.GetStatistic(6)
    '  End of program
    End Sub

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    DTREG Decision Tree building software.